BAD BREAK-UP? No Worries…
When it comes to tattoo removal, sometimes it may be needed to get that new job or build your new image. However, more and more these days with tattoo discrimination on the decline, tattoo removal is just a matter of personal choice. Like, after a nasty break-up, or after you realize you chose the wrong artists, or perhaps, you are simply switching from ‘tribal’ to ‘matrix’ style.
Whatever the issue may be, companies like Tattclear specialize in lazer tattoo removal. From as little as $25/P1,000 and 1 hour, you can have a clean slate. And, next time, choose one of The PH INK Master Artists or more than 500 other tattoo professionals showcased by Philippines Ink Magazine. For even more security and assurance, ask for their Philippines Ink Tattoo Master or Professional ID and always ask for work samples and previous client references.
Tattclear is located at 58 Bayani Road, Equator Compound, Western Bicutan, Taguig City.. just in front of Chowking and Jollibee.. Contact: 7107064 or 09288937264 Vist: